You need to pick yo afro daddy because its flat on one side.You need to pick yo
afro daddy because its flat on one side (what you waitin on?). Well if you
don't pick yo afro, you're gonna have one side high.
- Erykah Badu Afro (Freestyle skit)
I sleep in bonnets. Have been for a few years now. Has to be satin. To lock in moisture and all that jazz. I still do it even now that I've cut the relaxer out of my hair. I think its funny that when I wake up, drool all around my mouth, crude in my eyes, buggers in my nose...I have a compressed fro! And I'm a jerk. I do not have my coveted fisted afro pick. I've resorted to doing with what I have. Which is a clear blue comb that brings to mind what your mother used on your head right after she washed it. And the hair dryer comb that never stays on my hair dryer.
Needless to say, I do not like to pick my fro out. It hurts for one. Seems I'm tender headed again. And two, I don't want to give my nitpicking sister the satisfaction!!!!
I like seeing my curls. Like messing with them even more.
But I can't get the Erykah Badu song out of my head in the morning when I take off my bonnet. I use my hands more often than not. Fluff my hair out. And find I'm pleased with the look. Although others advise picking.
I did so this morning. Shocked me how much it grew that fast. My mother always said I had horse hair :)
I need a pick...damnit.
Also, any suggestions on moisturizers??? Those are some of the products that I'm using. [Pictured] It is pure coincidence that they're all green :) Also, for really AWESOME natural products:
I am addicted to the store.
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